08/23/2021 / By Mike Adams
The insane, fraudulent rushing of the Pfizer vaccine into “full approval” status by the FDA — just announced today — was ordered by the collapsing Biden regime. The purpose of this accelerated approval is to allow Biden’s puppet masters to roll out medical martial law as a means to control the population and suppress the massive uprising that will soon commence against the illegitimate Biden regime.
Reportedly, the next 10 days (or so) will see the public release of the Maricopa County forensic audit results. These results are going to comprehensively reveal that the 2020 election was rigged via ballot stuffing and ballot counterfeiting operations. Once these results are made public, a mass awakening across America will occur as people realize Biden didn’t win and our “democracy” has been infiltrated and taken over by enemy forces that currently occupy the White House.
The mass awakening to election fraud, combined with the increasing realization that the FDA, CDC and vaccine pushers lied to America the entire time (about vaccines halting infections or preventing transmission) will only fuel the protests that will accelerate through the months of September – November.
In order to crush these protests and roll out Australia-style medical martial law enforcement, the Biden regime needed the FDA to (fraudulently) approve at least one “vaccine.” Immediately, the Pentagon has now announced the mandatory vaccination of all US troops, which is a treasonous scheme to mass murder hundreds of thousands of active duty soldiers via bioweapons in order to weaken America’s national security and prepare the nation for its final demise (which has been the goal of Obama and the Obiden regime from the very start).
As the truth about rigged elections and vaccine genocide becomes unstoppable, look for the Biden regime to attempt an internet kill switch / telecommunications outage strategy to try to stop people from communicating. Meanwhile, under medical martial law, Biden is likely to order truly draconian enforcement actions such as criminalizing public protests, setting up vaccine passport checkpoints on highways, and medically kidnapping “anti-vaxxers” to relocate them to the CDC’s “green zones” covid prison camps which have been openly described in great detail by the CDC itself.
The goal is to hold on to power as long as possible, of course, while continuing to inject the masses (and the military) with deadly biological weapons that are engineered to achieve high kill rates over time. The so-called “booster shot” is simply another dose of weaponized spike protein that’s being administered to try to finish the job sooner rather than later.
Joe Biden himself, of course, will be removed at the time that’s most appropriate for his handlers, and before Harris is sworn in, there will technically be no “Commander in Chief” in control of the military. With a near state of civil war inside the military already surfacing due to the bioweapon vaccine mandate that was just activated today, there remains a plausible possibility that elements of the U.S. military could revolt against the treasonous Pentagon leaders who helped orchestrate the catastrophic collapse of Kabul and the fall of Afghanistan which has left 10,000+ American contractors trapped behind enemy lines.
According to my sources, the military is practically in a state of revolt right this very minute, and many mid-level commanders are coming to realize that if they continue to follow orders from traitors like Austin, Milley or Biden, they’re all finished and the national defense capabilities of the United States of America will rapidly collapse. It is increasingly understood that the traitors in the Pentagon and the White House who coordinated the collapse of Afghanistan are also coordinating the collapse of America. And if they are not stopped, there will be no nation left to defend.
Suddenly, the phrase, “against all enemies foreign and domestic” takes on a whole new meaning.
One additional factor in all this is the willingness of the criminal, illegitimate Biden regime to weaponize food scarcity, financial collapse, vaccine checkpoints and even engineered regional grid down scenarios in order to crush dissent and weaken the masses. With Australia’s NSW serving as the experimental template for turning a nation into a covid prison colony, Biden’s puppetmasters are prepared to unleash mass medical kidnappings, covid camp executions, engineered starvation, grid down emergencies and even coordinated bank closures or financial events in order to deny the people whatever resources they might need to sustain nationwide protests.
The Biden regime is at war with the American people. And in this state of war, they will engineer scarcity and collapse in every vector imaginable, including potentially shutting down cell towers and internet access, especially in “problematic” areas such as red states.
Some people believe there still remain enough “white hats” in the US military to arrest the traitors, hold new elections and potentially reinstate Trump after a new election is held, but this view should be taken with a grain of salt, as the far more likely outcome is collapse and chaos rather than organized restoration. In either case, it’s clear that Trump wants no part of taking office again until after the financial collapse takes place. In fact, even Kamala doesn’t want to be sitting in the Oval Office when that occurs, so there’s a concerted effort right now to keep Biden in place as an empty shell for as long as possible, almost as if Weekend at Bernie’s has become national policy at the White House, which seems altogether fitting for a nation that’s currently run by criminals, morons and senile fools.
Once the financial collapse is initiated, if Biden is still in the White House he can then be blamed for the collapse and removed via 25th Amendment, with his replacement promising to “rescue” America from the horrific mistakes of a mentally incompetent Joe Biden.
The next several months are going to witness the most chaotic time in the history of this nation (even considering the 1860s), with September 2021 – March 2022 characterized by:
Note that right this very minute, the U.S. dollar has already lost at least 40% of its purchasing power in the last 12 months. The things people buy with dollars are skyrocketing in price (food, fuel, housing, used vehicles, etc.), which is a result of the collapsing dollar, stemming from endless money printing by the Biden regime and the corrupt Fed. This is also a form of “final looting” of the nation before its demise. People in the inner circles of power are looting dollars via government stimulus handouts, then using those dollars to buy crypto or gold, knowing that the dollar will soon be utterly worthless.
All this money printing means average Americans are being driven into poverty by the day, with food, housing, transportation and other basic needs rapidly becoming unaffordable, even for the former middle class. It won’t take long before the middle class is wiped out, and tens of millions of Americans will discover they have nothing left to lose (since they’ve already lost everything).
This is all part of the engineered chaos plan that’s designed to bring down America, and with the FDA’s accelerated approval of the Pfizer vaccine today, this plan has just been activated.
See more details in today’s video Situation Update via Brighteon:
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Tagged Under: biological warfare, chaos, civil war, collapse, conspiracy, covid vaccines, deep state, false flat, health freedom, Joe Biden, Liberty, martial law, medical fascism, medical martial law, Medical Tyranny, obey, pandemic, Plandemic, starvation, traitors, treason, vaccine wars, vaccines, White House
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