Arizona following California’s medical tyranny; seeks to eliminate parental choice on children’s vaccines with proposed new law

Corrupt California legislator and vaccine industry hack Richard Pan, a Democrat, has apparently inspired a cohort of other Democrats in Arizona to propose new legislation that, just like with Pan’s Senate Bill 277, would eliminate an exemption clause for Arizonans that currently allows them to opt out of “mandatory” vaccinations based on personal objections.

House Bill 2162, as explained by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), would completely eliminate the right of Arizonans to refuse vaccines using the personal belief exemption, leaving only the medical and religious exemption clauses in place – though it’s important to note that the religious exemption isn’t valid at schools, which would leave only the medical exemption clause for Arizona students, just like in California.

The 10 legislators who are co-sponsoring HB 2162 are all Democrats, and include Representatives Alma Hernandez, Isela Blanc, Kelli Butler, Cesar Chavez, Kirsten Engel, Randal Friese, Daniel Hernandez, Jennifer Longdon, Robert Meza, and Athena Salman. Again, not a single Republican legislator in Arizona is in support of HB 2162 at the current time.

“Why are our rights over our own bod[ies] constantly under attack?” asks NVIC on its Instagram page, warning followers to take action to stop this latest assault against freedom of health choice. “This has already been tried before and has been shut down! Let’s do it again, everyone! Now is when we need to unite and fight for our rights.”

As Americans are distracted by fake news about Catholic boys “taunting” Native American elders, politicians are busy stripping more medical freedoms from their constituents

All of this would seem to be taking place under the cover of endless mainstream media propaganda, most recently concerning the Covington Catholic High School boys who are being falsely accused of giving racist glares to Indigenous activists.

According to NVIC, HB 2162 will amend Section 15-873 of the Arizona Revised Statutes, effectively removing the personal exemption to vaccine mandates from the books.

“The parent or guardian of the pupil submits a signed statement to the school administrator stating that the parent or guardian has received information about immunizations provided by the department of health services and understands the risks and benefits of immunizations and the potential risks of nonimmunization and that due to personal beliefs, the parent or guardian does not consent to the immunization of the pupil,” the bill reads.

Keep in mind that the definition of the word “pupil” in the bill is very broad, and covers any person “who is eligible to receive instruction at a school and includes pre-kindergarten age children receiving either services for children with disabilities or day care on a school campus otherwise exempt from day care rules pursuant to section 36-884.”

Naturally, many Arizonans who do their homework in order to protect their children from such tyranny are rightfully upset by the proposal. Like NVIC, they’re calling on anyone and everyone in Arizona who supports medical freedom to call their legislators and demand that HB 2162 be effectively stopped.

“There’s a war against us ‘anti-vaxxers’ now,” wrote one Instagram commenter in support of killing HB 2162. “This is exactly what Big Pharma wanted.”

“… they even were giving out flu shots at the Grammy’s this year for publicity. Big Pharma will not stop because they will lose billions of dollars. They have brainwashed most people. My child had the flu once in his 16 years of his life. That’s because he had the flu shot. Sad my state will be part of this craziness and worse yet my future state is already. So glad I am done having kids but fear for my future grandchildren.”

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